Basic English. What should we learn?

You would like to learn English and don't have any previous knowledge? I'll give you some good news: You can have a simple conversation in English if you focus on a few specific points.
When we speak, in whatever language, we build sentences made up of words from different categories which, combined, make that what we say makes sense.
Having said that, to start speaking in English you have to be able to articulate simple sentences that will allow you to learn more complex structures later on. For this to be possible, it is important to start with the following points:
1. Who are we talking about?
In English it is very important that you learn well the personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) as English verbs have no conjugation. It is also important to know the possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and the object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, it, me, them).
2. What am I talking about?
It is necessary to learn English words that will help us know what we are talking about. In order to do so, we must learn nouns. For a start, knowing about 200 words, the most common ones, is enough. These words can be learned in blocks (clothes, food, objects...), or we can adapt them to our interests.
3. What does it look like?
If we want to talk about what our house is like, or our table, or a film..., it is necessary to use adjectives (big, pretty, funny, green...). From there we can also learn to use these adjectives to compare two or more things, and so on.
4. What do we do?
Another important point is to learn verbs, knowing about 100, the most common ones, is enough to get started.
In addition, it is very important to master well the verbs to be and to have, as they are verbs used to form other verb tenses.
To be able to talk about everything a little, you have to know how to use the present, the past and the future. It is not necessary to learn all the verb tenses, but you need to learn the present simple and continuous; the past of the verb to be, the past simple and the future (will/going to).
5. How do I ask questions?
It is essential to know how to ask and answer questions and, to do this, it is necessary to learn "question words": What, when, who, why, where...
Apart from these words, it is necessary to know well the way they are formed, since they do not follow the same pattern as in Spanish.
6. What else do we need?
Once we have the main basis for building sentences (pronouns, names, verbs and adjectives); we can learn how to use the articles (a/an/the); the prepositions of time and place (in, on at); basic connectors (but, because, and) and some modal verbs (can, must, should).
With these points we can begin to make contact with English and be able to communicate in this language with a minimum of fluency.
The only thing left to do now is to get down to it and for that, there is nothing better than doing a basic English course, either in person or online.
If you choose the latter option, you can enter Lewolang, a course that will allow you to learn all these points mentioned and many more. This course is for those who are already studying English and for those who have no idea and want to start learning it.
Thanks to its voice recognition system, you will be able to practice everything you have learned orally, that is, you will be able to interact with the system by speaking through a microphone.
You will also be able to listen to your own pronunciation and compare it with the original one, since both the vocabulary and the sentences you will find in the course are said by English speakers.
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