Expressions with the word foot

In English, just like in Spanish, we have colloquial expressions that we use in our everyday conversations.
It is important to know these expressions in order to increase our level of English.
On some occasions the English use a similar expression to the one we use, but on many others this is not the case, so a literal translation would simply sound rather weird to them.
In a previous article we showed you expressions with the word head, on this occasion we will have as a main figure another part of the body, foot or its plural feet.
1. Put your foot in it. To say something, not on purpose, that might upset or embarrass someone.
I put my foot in it when I asked her about her boyfriend and she said they had broken up.
2. Put your foot down. To press the accelerator so that your car goes faster. Also to firmly tell someone to do or stop doing something.
If you don't put your foot down, we won't make it to the opening.
I had to put my foot down and tell my flatmate not to leave dirty dishes in the sink.
3. Get off on the wrong foot. To start a relationship badly.
Henry and I got off on the wrong foot when we met because he was rude and arrogant.
4. Get cold feet. To suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do what you had planned.
Usually people get cold feet the day before getting married.
5. Put your best put forward. To work hard, to do your best; usually to make a good impression.
I put my best foot forward at the interview. I expect I will get the job.
6. Foot the bill. To pay for something, especially something expensive.
My parents will foot the bill for the wedding reception.
7. Put your feet up. To relax, especially putting your feet on a chair or a table, not touching the ground.
After a long day's work, all I want is to go home and put my feet up.
8. Drag your feet. To take a long time to do something because you don't want to do it.
Stop dragging your feet and finish your homework.
9. Be rushed/run off your feet. To be very busy.
Some friends are coming over for dinner tonight, so I've been rushed off my feet all afternoon.
10. Set foot. To go to a place.
She went to study abroad and never set foot in her hometown again.
If you liked these expressions and you know some more with the word foot, do not hesitate to put it in the comments.
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