15 Phrasal verbs related to crime.

You know that here at Lewolang we want your English to improve and therefore, nothing better than to give you a batch of phrasal verbs. You know, those verbs that if you add a preposition or an adverb to them, they mutate, they become something else, as if they were gremlins, when they get wet they turn into monsters.
This is what phrasal verbs are like, apparently normal verbs that, when combined with those hateful particles called prepositions, become a nightmare for Spanish speakers who are trying to learn English.
Having said this, and since we have no choice but to learn them if we want to show off our mastery of English, we want to give you a sample. To prevent you from having an anxiety attack, we will give them to you in small doses, so that they will be better assimilated.
On this occasion the phrasal verbs are related to crime. Why do we need to know them if we have nothing to do with this subject? For example, to understand films or crime series in English. Maybe you'll hear them on the TV news or read them in the newspapers. So we'll leave you with the following examples:
1. Break into. To enter a building in order to steal something.
Our neighbour's house was broken into last night.
2. Break out (of). To escape from prison.
This is his third attempt at breaking out of prison.
3. Tip off. To give secret information about illegal activities.
Who tipped off the police?
4. Stake out. To wait and watch outside a building because something illegal is taking place inside.
The police have been staking out the house on the corner for days.
5. Bring in. To take someone to the police station, usually to be questioned about a crime.
The suspect has been brought in for questioning.
6. Lock up. To imprison.
I hope he's locked up for what he did.
7. Hold up. To rob using a gun.
The whereabouts of the robbers who held up the bank are still unknown.
8. Get away. To escape, especially when someone is chasing you.
How did the thief manage to get away?
9. Track down. To find someone or something by looking for information.
We'll use all our resources to track down the murderer.
10. Own up to. Admit or confess.
Did you get the suspect to own up to the crime?
11. Grass somebody up / grass on somebody. Inform the police about someone who has carried out a crime.
Apparently, someone grassed him up to the police.
12. Turn in. To take someone or yourself to the police.
The robber finally turned himself in to the police.
13. Do away with. To kill someone.
I think our neighbour has done away with his wife.
14. Get away with. To manage not to be punished for something bad you've done.
He thought he could defraud the taxman and get away with it.
15. Set someone up. To make someone to be blamed for something they haven't done.
He claims he didn't steal the money, that he was set up.
Learn these phrasal verbs and you will become experts in criminal matters. Next time you see a crime series or film, prick up your ears and see if you catch any. Don't hesitate to put other phrasal verbs that you want to share with us about this topic in your comments.
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