15 Phrasal verbs related to driving.

Phrasal verbs are part of the colloquial language of English people and are used in several contexts.
We can learn phrasal verbs taking into account the verb and changing the preposition: look up, look into, loof forward...
We can also learn them by the preposition: Put up, split up, break up, pick up...
However, another option is to learn them by the context or about the topic we want to talk about.
In previous articles we have shown you this last option and we have focused on food, clothes or health.
This time, we want to teach you phrasal verbs related to driving. Some of them can be used in other contexts.
1. Run out of. To have nothing left of something because we have used it all.
We are running out of petrol.
2. Fill up. To put something (petrol in this case) into a container so that it is full.
Don’t forget you have to go to the petrol station and fill up the tank.
3. Break down. When a vehicle stops working.
My car broke down on my way to work and I had to call the breakdown truck.
4. Drop someone off. To leave a person to a place and then move on to your own destination.
Could you drop me off in front of the library?
5. Slow down. To reduce speed.
You should slow down, you're speeding and we're going to get fined.
6. Speed up. To go faster.
Speed up a bit; we’re being overtaken by a bicycle.
7. Belt/buckle up. To fasten your seat belt.
Get in the car and belt up.
8. Get in. To enter a car.
We got in the car and headed for the airport.
9. Get out of. Leave a car.
Get out of the car slowly with your hands up.
10. Drive off. To leave a place in a car.
When the thieves heard the police, they got in the car and drove off quickly.
11. Turn off. To leave a road to go along another.
According to de GPs, we should turn off at exit 35.
12. Pull up. To stop your car for a short time.
He pulled up in front of the school and waited in the car for her kids to come out.
13. Pull over. To stop at the side of a road because of a problem in a vehicle, to check a map, to make a phone call...
I had to pull over on the shoulder and call my insurance company.
14. Pick up. To drive to a place where someone is in order to take them somewhere else.
What time will you pick me up?
15. Cut in. To put a vehicle in front of another in a dangerous way.
Suddendly, a car cut in in front of me forcing me to brake sharply.
We have shown you some of the most common phrasal verbs related to driving. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to put them in the comments.
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Angela Mesa