Fall in love with phrasal verbs

English people use phrasal verbs in all their conversations, they are part of informal vocabulary and if we want to speak English as a native we will have to learn them.
For Spanish speakers, phrasal verbs are a nightmare, not only should we remember the verb but the particle as well, also bearing in mind that the same phrasal verb can have different meanings.
To learn phrasal verbs we must start somewhere and, in this case, we will focus on those related to love with the following story.
The first time Pedro and I met we hit it off immediately. We met at a party and he was trying to chat me up all night. When the party was over he asked for my phone number and the very next morning he called me, he wanted to take me out for dinner. I accepted the invitation and we had a very enjoyable evening. We got on very well but I didn't fall for him immediately. At that time I didn't want to have a serious relationship and as I didn't want to lead him on I made up an excuse not to meet a second time. Two weeks later I ran into /bumped into him in a bookshop and started talking, then we went for a coffee and spent the afternoon together. When we said goodbye he asked me out and I said yes. We had been going out for about two years when I began to be suspicious that Pedro was cheating on me with a girl from work. We had a big row / argument, I told him I wouldn't put up with an infidelity from him, he denied everything, we fell out and in the end we split up / broke up. Two months went by and one day we happened to meet at a dinner with some friends and we had no choice but to talk. We were chatting for a while and we realized that we still loved each other and that we deserved a second chance, so we made up and got back together. A year later Pedro popped the question and I accepted. I thought it was time to settle down and become formally engaged, so we decided to tie the knot. Three months before the wedding I met Braulio, I took to him immediately and the feeling seemed to be mutual. I made a decision and broke off the engagement with Pedro. As for me, I am travelling around India, a dream that I had long wanted to fulfil, obviously I am not with Braulio, in fact, our relationship only lasted two months, but I do not regret having been with him or my relationship with Pedro. Both experiences have brought wonderful things to my life.
I hope you liked the story and what is more important, that it helped you learn some of the much feared phrasal verbs. If you know other phrasal verbs related to love relationships do not hesitate to share it in the comments.
If you would like to learn more phrasal verbs, have a look at our website lewolang in the Gramática inglesa section.
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