Certify your level of English with Linguaskill
New Cambridge exam online
Just over three weeks ago, Cambridge University launched an official exam that can be taken from home under the Linguaskill model. Unlike the Cambridge exams we know (KET, PET, First...), Linguaskill is a multi-level English test which determines the level of English knowledge you have according to the Common European Framework of Reference (A1 to C1+). Therefore, there's no pass or fail, the purpose of the test is to determine the level of English of the student.
So, based on the Cambridge English Scale, if you score between 82 and 99, you will be below A-1; between 100 and 119, A-1; between 120 and 139, A-2; between 140 and 159, B-1; between 160 and 179, B-2 and finally, with a score of 180 or more you will be at level C-1 or above.
This type of test is not intended to be a substitute for the various existing Cambridge qualifications.
The Linguaskill test allows us to prove our current level of English quickly, as it allows us to arrange the exam in less than a week to test the results within a maximum of 48 hours.
This qualification allows you to prove your level of English for specific requirements, such as applying for an Erasmus scholarship, for university admission, graduating from university, doing a Master's degree or getting a job.
Linguaskill is also recognised by ACLES (Association of Language Centres in Higher Education) and CRUE (Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities), organisations that determine which foreign language certificates meet the quality requirements of the CEFR.
As if these advantages were not enough, the price of the Linguaskill exam is lower than the rest of the Cambridge exams, being around 100€, and can be done from home.
What does the Linguaskill test involve?
This test has been developed by a group of experts in evaluation of the Cambridge Assessment English and has been tested with speakers of 40 different languages in 50 countries, in order to guarantee the reliability of the results.
This exam evaluates the four main language skills of English: reading, listening, writing and speaking. You can take a test to evaluate all four skills at once, or you can combine the modules as you wish. If you do not get the score you want for one of the modules, you can retake the test for that particular module to raise your final score, but within three months.
Examination format
The questions in this test are adaptive, that is, when a candidate answers one question correctly, the next one will be more difficult. On the contrary, if the answer is incorrect, the next one will be of a lower level. Thus, the test is adapted to the candidate based on their answers. This provides very accurate information that is crucial in stipulating the correct level.
The exam consists of three modules, which can be taken together, separately or in combination, which assess the 4 language skills (speaking, writing, reading, listening) as follows:
Speaking module. It consists of five parts, which will be recorded on the computer and corrected later by the examiner. It lasts about 15 minutes and each part counts for 20% of the total score. Exam demo.
- Part 1. Interview of the candidate, consisting of about 8 questions of personal nature.
- Part 2. The candidate must read 8 sentences aloud.
- Part 3. The candidate is given a topic to talk about for one minute. The candidate is given about 40 seconds to prepare.
- Part 4. The candidate is given a picture (a chart, a graph...) which they must talk about for one minute. In this case they are given another minute to prepare.
- Part 5. The candidate is asked 5 questions about which they must express their opinion in the form of short answers. They are given one minute to prepare.
Writing module. It consists of two tasks: the first is to write an email of about 50 words and the second a longer text of about 180 words. In both tasks three ideas are given and the candidate must develop all of them. The test lasts about 45 minutes, of which it is recommended to dedicate 15 minutes to the first task and 30 to the second. Exam demo.
Reading and listening module. Although it is a whole module, the results are given separately in order to evaluate each skill. It has a total duration of between 60 and 85 minutes. Exam demo.
The Reading consists of 5 parts:
- Part 1. The candidate must read a short text and choose from three sentences (A, B, C), the one that most closely defines the meaning of the text.
- Part 2. The candidate is given a series of sentences with a gap that they have to fill in with a word. They are given four choices (A, B, C, D).
- Part 3. The candidate is given a text with gaps to be filled in. They are given four options (A, B, C, D).
- Part 4. The candidate is given a text with gaps to fill in, by writing the answer. No options are given.
- Part 5. The candidate must read a longer text, and must answer questions related to it. Three possible options are given.
The Listening consists of 2 parts:
- Part 1. The candidate listens to a short audio recording and then has to answer the questions choosing from three options (A, B, C).
- Part 2. The candidate listens to a longer audio recording and then has to answer the questions choosing from three options (A, B, C).
Technical requirements for the examination
A computer with the following features is required to meet the technical requirements for proper testing:
- 800 MHz Pentium III processor or equivalent or higher.
- 512 MB of RAM and 4GB of free hard disk space.
- Minimum screen resolution: 1280 x 1024.
- Windows 8 or later operating system. Not available on other operating systems.
- Internet connection of at least 2 Mbps bandwidth.
- Google Chrome or Firefox browser.
- Version 26 or later of Adobe Flash Player.
- Sound card.
- Over-ear and closed back headphones, preferably with good padding
- Microphone attached to the headset that has a noise-cancelling device. The use of built-in microphones is not allowed, as they do not guarantee the quality required.
- Headphone and microphone connections can be made with any type of connector. If a USB connector is used, the necessary drivers must be installed and checked for proper operation before the test is performed.
- Webcam.
In view of all this, the reader may be wondering: Where can I take the test? In a short period of time Lewolang, a Cambridge training centre, will implement the Linguaskill exam on its platform, so that all interested users will be able to take the exam.
If you are interested and want us to let you know, you can register on the following form.
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