2018 New Year Resolution: Improve my English

+ the vocabulary you need in order to do it

2018 New Year Resolution: Improve my English
   0 Published by Denisa at 31/12/2017

Even if you don’t make a list of Resolutions on New Year’s Eve I bet you at least think about the year that has passed, your accomplishments or what you wish had happened differently and would like to change in the future.

If learning or improving your English is something you’re thinking about or you’ve already written on your list of Resolutions, know that you are not alone. If you’re not fluent already, chances are you are at least studying English. According to statistics, the total number of English speakers is 1.5 billion now, but estimated to reach 2 billion by 2020. That’s not, of course, only native speakers because Mandarin and Spanish surpass English in this respect, but it is because it’s the most studied language of them all. As of now, the ratio between non-native speakers and native speakers is 3 to 1 and the number will keep growing because without English you simply can’t survive in business, international relations or on the internet, where over 50% of content is in English.

At Lewolang we know learning or improving your English is one of the most important resolutions you can put on your list and we are committed to make it easier for you. So how about we start practicing some vocabulary right now? Here are words, phrasal verbs or expressions that stay with the theme.

People make Resolutions because they want to set goals and stick to them.

With the coming of a new year it’s time to start anew/start afresh and to turn over a new leaf.

If last year you felt stuck in a rut you might want to try something different for a change in 2018.

Resolutions are promises that we make to ourselves that’s why, in English, you can - keep a promise/resolution or break a promise/resolution.

They are also similar to dreams and goals that’s why we try to achieve dreams/goals/resolutions.

Most of the time, people’s list include giving up bad habits or taking up new, good ones.

If your willpower or your motivation is not strong enough, you can at least try to cut back on/cut down on doing something that is bad for you.

Whichever, the most important is to carry on or to keep it up.

You should be ambitious but try to also be realistic, or you might fall short and feel like giving up.

Some are long term goals or lifelong challenges so you have to be patient and determined, especially if you want a lasting change and not only short term change.

With other objectives, the most important is to get them done at once and avoid procrastination, otherwise you might be disappointed.

Psychologists say you shouldn’t take up more than two things at once. What you should do is keep a diary and also talk to friends and family about the changes you are making.

So why don’t you make a plan and stick to it? Even taking baby steps is better than doing nothing at all. If you agree, how about you subscribe to our blog and make sure you’ll read more of our articles in the future? It might be a good place to start.

Statistics say that apparently, although people who make resolutions don’t usually achieve all of them, they are still more successful than people that don’t. And that comes as no surprise, we all know that planning is the first and most important step in making any dream come true.

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