The 50 most common survival phrases in English

We know that learning English requires time and dedication, but a good way to get started in this language is to learn typical phrases and expressions in English, which combined with specific vocabulary words, will be really useful to us in trips, restaurants, events...
They will also be useful to have some examples of structures and expressions that are commonly used in English.
Here are some of these phrases:
Greetings and goodbyes:
- Hello / hi! (Hola.)
- Good morning / afternoon / evening. (Buenos días / buenas tardes / buenas noches.)
- Nice to meet you. (Encantado/a de conocerte.)
- How are you? I'm fine, thank you. (¿Cómo estás? Estoy bien, gracias.)
- Goodbye. (Adiós.)
- See you! (¡Hasta luego!)
Thanking and apologizing:
- Please. (Por favor.)
- Thank you. (Gracias.)
- You are welcome. (De nada.)
- Excuse me. (Disculpe.)
- Sorry. (Perdón)
- Don't worry / it's ok. (No te preocupes / no pasa nada.)
Asking for information:
- Can you help me, please? (¿Me puede ayudar, por favor?)
- Can I ask you a question? (¿Le puedo hacer una pregunta?)
- Do you speak Spanish? (¿Habla español?)
- Excuse me, where is the "tourist office"? (Disculpe, ¿Dónde está la "oficina de turismo"?)
- Is there a cash machine near here? (¿Hay algún cajero por aquí cerca?)
- Where are the toilets? (¿Dónde están los baños?)
- How do I get to the station? (¿Cómo se va a la estación?)
- Could you tell me the time, please? (¿Me puede decir que hora es, por favor?)
On the train or on the bus:
- A single / return ticket to "Oxford" please. (Un billete de ida / ida y vuelta a "Oxford", por favor.)
- How much is it? (¿Cuánto vale?)
- Which platform does the train go from (¿De qué andén sale el tren?)
- When is the next train / bus to London? (¿Cuánto sale el próximo tren / bus a Londres?)
- Could you please tell me where to get off? (¿Podría decirme dónde tengo que bajar, por favor?)
- Is this the bus that goes to the city centre? (¿Es este el autobús que va al centro de la ciudad?)
At a hotel:
- I have a reservation. (Tengo una reserva.)
- What time is the breakfast? (¿A qué hora es el desayuno?)
- Are there any vacancies? (¿Hay habitaciones disponibles?)
- Is there WiFi in the room? (¿Hay WiFi en la habitación?)
- ¿Where is the lift? (¿Dónde está el ascensor?)
- Here is my passport. (Aquí tiene mi pasaporte.)
At a bar or restaurant:
- I'd like a coffee, please. (Quiero un café, por favor.)
- A table for two, please. (Una mesa para dos, por favor.)
- May I have a glass of wine, please? (¿Podría traerme una copa de vino, por favor?)
- I'm allergic to "nuts". (Soy alérgico a las nueces.)
- I'm gluten-intolerant. (Soy celíaco.)
- I'll have a "salad". (Tomaré una ensalada)
- Can I have the check / bill, please? (¿Me trae la cuenta, por favor?)
- ¿Is the tip included? (¿La propina está incluida?)
- I'm looking for a "T-shirt". (Busco una camiseta.)
- I need a smaller / bigger size. (Necesito una talla más pequeña / más grande.)
- I'd like to try this on, where is the changing / fitting room? (Me gustaría probarme esto. ¿Dónde está el probador?)
- How much is this "mug"? (¿Cuánto vale esta taza?.)
- I'll take it. (Me lo quedo.)
- Have you got it in another colour? (¿Lo tenéis en otro color?)
When someone speaks to you:
- Sorry, I don't speak English. (Lo siento, no hablo inglés.)
- Could you speak more slowly, please? (¿Podría hablar más despacio, por favor?.)
- Sorry, I don't understand. (Lo siento, no entiendo.)
- Could you repeat that, please? (¿Podría repetirlo, por favor?)
We hope they're useful to you and that you can practice them! If you have any other phrases that you consider useful and interesting, you can put them in the comments.
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