1st of April. International Fun at Work Day

The alarm clock goes off just when we are in the best part of a wonderful dream in which we feel happy and everything is fantastic. At first, we hear the sound from far away, as if it were just a distant rumour, but little by little, that alarm draws us towards it, unforgiving, and in the end we succumb to reality. It's time to get up and go to work.
Let's be honest, most of us would rather do any other activity than go to work. However, without a job there is no life, so we should be grateful to have one, especially when unfortunately there are many people who would wish to work and can't.
If we look at the attitude of most people when they go to work, it is not exactly one of revelry, joy and good mood; on the contrary, serious faces, some showing signs of urgently needing a coffee.
But going to work should not be a routine thing, it should bring us positive things, apart from the salary. After all, we spend long hours in our workplaces and we should strive to not only do our best but also enjoy ourselves while working.
Why was it decided to celebrate the International Day of Fun at Work?
It all began in 1996 in the United States, when the consulting firm "Playfair" created an initiative based on the fact that professionalism in the workplace was not at odds with a sense of humor and fun. What's more, they realized that when workers were happy at work, they performed much better.
In Spain, the organization Humor Positivo announced this initiative in 2008. In fact, that year they called for a demonstration in favour of fun at work and also took a giant letter to the Minister of Labour with a series of demands.
From then on, and every year, this organization carries out different actions in Madrid to promote fun at work.
Benefits of humour at work.
It has been proven that a work environment that promotes humour and the well-being of employees has multiple benefits.
- It reduces stress. Different stress situations are generated in our work environment. We have to endure an overload of functions, deadlines, clients, financial problems, lack of motivation... All this would be easier to bear if we were able to break the dynamic with a bit of humour.
- It promotes learning. If we are in a relaxed environment, it is usually easier to concentrate and we are more receptive when we are learning something new.
- It improves communication. If there is harmony and good mood, communication is always more fluid and fruitful. When we are already tense or nervous, the conversation will probably end badly. Therefore, a problem or conflict will be solved more easily if we approach it with good predisposition.
- Enhances employee productivity. It is clear that when our work environment is friendly and well attuned, employees feel good. This generates a greater predisposition on the part of the worker to put everything on their side and be effective in their task.
- It enhances creativity. It has been proven that a stress-free mind is much more creative than a mind gripped by discomfort or pressure. So, a little fun at work creates relaxation in the environment and encourages the flow of ideas.
How do we include fun at work?
Obviously we can't have a party every day to have fun at work, but we can do little things to make the work environment enjoyable. We can make some funny comments from time to time, we can promote a breakfast space to relax a bit, we can decorate or have something that is pleasant for us in our workplace.
We are also happy when our work is recognized, when we feel valued by the company.
There are some large companies that provide employees with a gym or a recreation room with different equipment so that they can relieve tension and switch off a little.
Be that as it may, it is up to us to face our working day in a good mood. Let's find moments to try to get a smile out of our co-workers and celebrate this International Fun at Work Day in a good mood.